- Rolled up jeans, designed that way or done by hand, are a fast way to make your outfit current. Not only does this style jean bring more interest to your look, but it also shows off those cute shoes.
From Pinterest
From Eileen Fisher.com
From Garnet Hill.com
From Net- A- Porter.com
- Drape a jacket or coat over your shoulders. This simple style tip brings to your outfit an air of sophistication while at the same time making it look more fashion forward, chic, and expensive.
From Jcrew.com
From Pinterest
From ASOS.com
From Pinterest
- Knotting the ends of your top is an easy way to define your waistline without using a belt. This fashion idea lends a more creative finish and adds a playful vintage touch.
From Anthropologie.com
From Madewell.com
From Anthropologie.com
From Express.com
- Get more use out of a dress by slipping on a sweater or tee over the top half and tying it at the waist if you need to. This style trick creates the illusion of a separate bottom half and allows you to get more use out of the dress.
From Pinterest
From Pinterest
From Pinterest